Wonderful Herbal Knowledge

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Know all you know. The new king was captured by the king.

They grow only in the mountains, and they have bad oak. Wood and stone The trees and the bamboo poles; They are believed to be capable of being believed. Some grow it at home.

If you have a bowel movement, use a powder, salt, salt, and turmeric. It can be cured if you apply a lotion. If some ulcer is present, it will break down the young leaves and the skin becomes hot and tender.

New king

How to use it? I asked the writer of the story.

It is even more effective to put a little salt in a second pot of water and soak the wood for 1 hour. Secondly, the wood is soaked in water with a lot of water and sprinkled with water, and made of human-related materials. home, It is said that buildings are often sprayed. I love to show you how to do what they believe. He said that the nine attributes of glory are more powerful if blood is present.